Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Precious Fur-babies!!

Merry Meet!!

These are my two precious animals, Raven and Salem :)
Both are female; Salem was a stray we fount years ago; and she's been with us ever since; and she is an absolute loveable kitty!!
Raven is a tiny chihuahua and can be a bit mean on occasion; but she does the silliest things that make her absolutely adorable!!

This is Raven in her fairy costume (thanks Mom...)

And this is the wonderful Salem; she never looks at the camera long enough to get a good shot; so this the best I've got!! :)

That's them; I love them with my heart and soul...
Blessed be...


  1. I love your fur babies! my furry friend a shi poo's name is salem too, he is my best friend.Your cat is beautiful, and very your blog

  2. Thank you so much!!
    Your furry friend sounds wonderful :)
    And thanks about my kitty, she is a sweety!! ^.^


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