Lately I've been noticing a lot of things... Like bullying, ridicule, and people thinking they aren't good enough... And it makes me sad to see or hear things like that. Things like kids being bullied because others think they aren't good enough, or because they aren't like them... And, needless to say, I felt a strong need to blog about it!
Nobody is perfect. Cliche, I know; but it doesn't make those words any less true. No one should strive for perfection, because it's unattainable. No matter how big or small, there will always be flaws... So embrace them! Love your flaws for what they are, and don't try to hide them. In my opinion, there's nothing more beautiful than flaws; because they show people for what they truly are: human. No one was ever meant to be perfect in every which way, but you can be perfect in your own way... And that's the best way of all. :)
Perfection is overrated. So stay imperfect, you're all beautiful that way. ❤
I guess that's all for now... So,until next time, stay beautifully imperfect, my lovelies!
Love, Light & Imperfection (<-- I couldn't resist ^.^)...
Blessed be,
)O( Amorel )O(